Introduction to Unstructured Data
What is Unstructured Data?
When working with data, you’ll often come across the terms “structured” and “unstructured” data. There are lots of definitions online, like this graph below:
This graph is technically correct, but it is also a bit confusing when you think about it (even highly organized data can be difficult to analyze for example and why can’t things like email be analyzed in spreadsheets?).
Let’s compare our two datasets that we have been working with so far: the Film Dialogue dataset and the Humanist Listserv dataset.
In our Film Dialogue datasets, we have technically four separate spreadsheets with the following columns:
Public Script Sources - public_scripts.csv
imdb_id |
script_id |
title |
year |
gross_ia |
link |
tt0019777 | 4031 | The Cocoanuts | 1929 | nan |,_The.pdf |
with :
script_id |
imdb_character_name |
words |
gender |
age |
280 | betty | 311 | f | 35 |
script_id |
imdb_id |
character_from_script |
closest_character_name_from_imdb_match |
closest_imdb_character_id |
1 | tt0147800 | bianca | bianca stratford | nm0646351 |
script_id |
imdb_id |
title |
year |
gross |
lines_data |
1534 | tt1022603 | (500) Days of Summer | 2009 | 37 | 743544525677477444334257777565774443444456445674543367553452777734237544553444343334444444467441433777777777777776634344344434244343433435535624644435776576434333377775756764434344466346764533566544444777533356445543543343334444535476332345777777777777776 |
In our Intro to EDA notebook, we discussed how some of the values in these spreadsheets are categorical values (like gender
as a nominal category – that is discrete unordered categories) and how some are numerical values (like gross
or lines_data
). And finally how some are a bit in between, like year
which is technically represented as a number and we could treat it as either a continuous or discrete value, or we could treat it as a categorical value that is ordinal (i.e. is a category with an implied order).
The big thing to takeaway from looking at these datasets though is that all these values are structured. We do not need to do any processes to turn these values into data to analyze. We might group them, we might filter them, we might fill in missing values, and we can plot them – but essentially this is a dataset ready to be analyzed.
Let’s compare that to our Humanist listserv dataset.
With web_scraped_humanist_listserv.csv
we have:
dates |
text |
url |
1987-1988 | From: MCCARTY@UTOREPAS\nSubject: \nDate: 12 Ma… | |
I’ve truncated the text file column for visual clarity, but overall this is a much less complex dataset than the Film Dialogue dataset. We could leave the dataset as is and treat it as structured or semi-structured data but our analysis would likely be very limited since we have no numeric data.
Instead to make our Humanist Listserv dataset into something like the Film Dialogue datasets, we need to go through a process of curating and cleaning the data from unstructured to structured data, similar to this graph below:
It’s worth noting here that this structured vs unstructured divide is very porous and ill defined, and mostly has a lot to do with your goals and your data.
Structuring our Textual Data
So let’s try adding some structure to our Humanist Listserv dataset. Let’s start a new notebook called HumanistListservEDA.ipynb
and import our libraries and data.
Now we need to start thinking about the types of data that we have and exploratory data analysis we might want to undertake.
First we can check our data types:
# Check the data types of our columns
We should see the following output:
dates object
text object
url object
dtype: object
In Intro to Notebooks, we learned that Pandas treats string
data as object
data (also all mixed numeric or non-numeric values). So now we know that to work with our data we will need to dig into Pandas string
methods. An in-depth discussion of these methods are available on the Pandas documentation website, but I’ve also summarized many of the more popular methods below in this table:
Pandas String Method | Explanation |
df[‘column_name’].str.lower() |
lowercase all the values in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.upper() |
uppercase all the values in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.replace(‘old_string’, ‘new_string’) |
replace all instances of ‘old_string’ with ‘new_string’ in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.split(‘delimiter’) |
split a column by ‘delimiter’ like a comma or period, or really anything |
df[‘column_name’].str.strip() |
remove leading and trailing whitespace from a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.len() |
count the number of characters in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.contains(‘pattern’) |
check if a column contains a particular pattern |
df[‘column_name’].str.startswith(‘pattern’) |
check if a column starts with a particular pattern |
df[‘column_name’].str.endswith(‘pattern’) |
check if a column ends with a particular pattern |
df[‘column_name’].str.find(‘pattern’) |
find the first occurrence of a particular pattern in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.findall(‘pattern’) |
find all occurrences of a particular pattern in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.count(‘pattern’) |
count the number of occurrences of a particular pattern in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.extract(‘pattern’) |
extract the first occurrence of a particular pattern in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.extractall(‘pattern’) |
extract all occurrences of a particular pattern in a column |
df[‘column_name’].str.join(list) |
join a list of strings with a delimiter |
This list is not exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point and shows that there are a number of approaches we could take.
Let’s start off with trying to explore the size of each volume over time. First, we need to split our dates
column into a year_start
and year_end
# Split the dates column into year_start and year_end
humanist_vols['year_start'] = humanist_vols['dates'].str.split('-').str[0]
humanist_vols['year_end'] = humanist_vols['dates'].str.split('-').str[1]
Now that we have our years, we need to get the size of each volume. We can do this by using the count
method and thinking of a pattern that would represent size of the volume (maybe the frequency of new lines \n
# Count the number of characters in each volume
humanist_vols['volume_size'] = humanist_vols['text'].str.count('\n')
Final step is to plot our data to explore the pattern we are interested in!
# Plot the data
humanist_vols.plot(x='year_start', y='volume_size', kind='bar')
We should produce a graph that looks like this:
Wonderful! We both structured our data and completed our exploratory analysis. But one remaining issue is how could we start to ask questions about the content of our text data from the listserv? What patterns and themes are there in the text? That’s where text analysis comes in!
What is Text Analysis?
One of the main ways we can structure our Humanist listserv data is by undertaking something called text analysis. This is a very broad term for a whole set of practices and overlapping disciplines and fields, some of which are shown in this figure below:
But again this figure has its limits. For example, data mining is something that Library & Information Sciences undertakes, and databases are used across these domains.
Rather than trying to define text analysis as a whole, I find a more helpful distinction is talking about Information Extraction vs Information Retrieval.
Information Retrieval (IR):
- Goal of finding relevant documents for user’s needs/queries (eg. Google)
- Often used for text classification of documents
- Can be done without “understanding” syntax and treating documents as “bag of words”
Information Extraction (IE)
- Goal of extracting specific features from documents
- Focused on linguistic analysis of textual features
- Requires both syntactic and semantic analysis
Today we will be focusing on the first category of these two categories, Information Retrieval, and next week we will dig into Information Extraction.
What is Information Retrieval?
According toWikipedia, Information Retrieval (or IR) was first theorized in the 1940s:
Information retrieval is strongly tied to the historical development of search engines and the basic goal is to find relevant documents for a user’s query. To do that though requires parsing textual information and finding patterns in the text.
One way we can do that is with simple counting of words and the frequency they appear across a text.
In our example, we could start counting words that appear in our email logs. Thinking back to some of our readings, we could try and compare the rate that humanities computing
appears compared to digital humanities
that we first explored in the Google Ngram Viewer, demonstrated below.
We can do a similar experiment in this listserv dataset. First we need to figure out how we can count strings in Pandas. We can do this by using the count
# Count the number of occurrences of each word
humanist_vols['humanities_computing_counts'] = humanist_vols['text'].str.count('humanities computing')
humanist_vols['digital_humanities_counts'] = humanist_vols['text'].str.count('digital humanities')
Now we can plot the data.
# Plot the data
humanist_vols[['humanities_computing_counts', 'digital_humanities_counts']].plot()
Which produces the following graph:
We’ve officially done our first foray into text analysis 🥳!
Text Analysis with Python
So far we’ve just been working with Pandas, but in Python, there exists a few libraries specifically designed to work with text data.
Each of these libraries has its own history, and some of what they provide overlaps. Here’s a helpful chart outlining some of their pros and cons.
Ultimately, which library you choose to use depends on what you want to do with your data, but there’s some general principles for text analysis that you should consider regardless of method.
Word Counts and Zipf’s Law
The library NLTK has a helpful built in Class called FreqDist
that takes a list of words and outputs their frequency in a corpus
Let’s try it out with a subset of our data. (Remember to install nltk
from nltk import word_tokenize
from nltk import FreqDist
tokens = FreqDist(sum(humanist_vols[0:2]['text'].map(word_tokenize), []))
We should get a graph that looks like this:
In this graph, if we had used all the words we would see this trend continue, like in the graph below.
This is “Zipf’s law:” the phenomenon means that the most common word is twice as common as the second most common word, three times as common as the third most common word, four times as common as the fourth most common word, and so forth.
It is named after the linguist George Zipf, who first found the phenomenon while laboriously counting occurrences of individual words in Joyce’s Ulysses in 1935.
This is a core textual phenomenon, and one you must constantly keep in mind: common words are very common indeed, and logarithmic scales are more often appropriate for plotting than linear ones. This pattern results from many dynamic systems where the “rich get richer,” which characterizes all sorts of systems in the humanities. You can read more about the power of counting words here
In the field of corpus linguistics, the term “word” is generally dispensed with as too abstract in favor of the idea of a “token” or “type.” Breaking a piece of text into words is thus called “tokenization.”
There are, in fact, at least 7 different choices you can make in a typical tokenization process.
- Should words be lowercased?
- Should punctuation be removed?
- Should numbers be replaced by some placeholder?
- Should words be stemmed (also called lemmatization).
- Should bigrams or other multi-word phrase be used instead of or in addition to single word phrases?
- Should stopwords (the most common words) be removed?
- Should rare words be removed?
Any of these can be combined: there at least a hundred common ways to tokenize even the simplest dataset.
We can try these out with our humanist_vols
dataset. For example, would we get a different number of counts if we lowercased our words?
# Count the number of occurrences of each word lowercased
humanist_vols['lowercase_humanities_computing_counts'] = humanist_vols['text'].str.lower().str.count('humanities computing')
humanist_vols['lowercase_digital_humanities_counts'] = humanist_vols['text'].str.lower().str.count('digital humanities')
# Plot the data
humanist_vols[['lowercase_humanities_computing_counts', 'lowercase_digital_humanities_counts', 'humanities_computing_counts', 'digital_humanities_counts']].plot()
We can see that actually lowercasing words leads to many more matches since all we are doing is trying to match exact patterns and upper and lower case represent differing patterns. While we could use the replace()
method for removing punctuation, some of the other approaches listed above require more attention. Let’s dig in!
Lemmatizing and Stemming are both ways of reducing words to their root form to make them more normalized for analysis. Lemmatizing is the process of reducing words to their base form, while stemming is the process of reducing words to their stem, demonstrated in the figure below:
The NLTK library we used for FreqDist also comes with stemmers and lemmatizers.
import nltk
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
porter = PorterStemmer()
Now to use these we need to apply them to each of the rows in our dataframe. We could do this with a for loop, but it’s more efficient to use the apply()
method. To try this out, let’s work on a subset of our humanist_vols dataset.
subset_humanist_vols = humanist_vols[0:2]
def stem_words(row):
stemmed_words = ''
for token in row.split(' '):
stemmed_words += porter.stem(token) + ' '
return stemmed_words
subset_humanist_vols['stemmed_text'] = subset_humanist_vols.text.apply(stem_words)
This will print out a large text string with the stemmed words. We can see what the first email looks like when it is stemmed:
from: mccarty@utorepas
date: 12 may 1987, 23:50:02 edt
x-humanist: vol. 1 num. 1 (1)
thi is test number 1. pleas acknowledge.
And compare it to the original:
Date: 12 May 1987, 23:50:02 EDT
X-Humanist: Vol. 1 Num. 1 (1)
This is test number 1. Please acknowledge.
We notice that stemming lowercased the words, but did not remove the punctuation. It also stemmed the words so that there is less variation in the words.
But let’s talk about the code above, and explain how we are doing this. To help make sense of everything, I’ll show the same code written as a for loop below:
stemmed_column = []
for index, row, in subset_humanist_vols.iterrows():
stemmed_words = ''
for token in row.text.split(' '):
stemmed_words += porter.stem(token) + ' '
subset_humanist_vols['stemmed_text'] = stemmed_column
So rather than having a function that takes a row as an argument, we are using a for loop to iterate over the rows. We are first creating an empty variable called stemmed_words
and then we are splitting the text column into tokens and then iterating over each token. To do stemming or lemmatizing or many other text analysis methods, you need your words as tokens rather than a giant string. In this example, we are simply splitting on spaces, but there are many other approaches to this problem.
Once we have our tokens we then pass them to the porter.stem()
method to stem them. We then append the stemmed words to our stemmed_words
variable. Finally we append the all the stemmed words to the stemmed_column
variable and then add that back into our dataframe outside of the for loop.
So let’s compare this to our apply
def stem_words(row):
stemmed_words = ''
for token in row.split(' '):
stemmed_words += porter.stem(token) + ' '
return stemmed_words
subset_humanist_vols['stemmed_text'] = subset_humanist_vols.text.apply(stem_words)
Here we have a function called stem_words
that takes a row
of our dataframe, and then does the similar split to tokens and then stem and assing to stemmed_words
. Instead of appending to a list though we are returning stemmed_words
on each iteration and assigning it directly to our DataFrame in a new column.
You’ll notice that unlike in our for loop we write row.split()
instead of row.text.split()
. This is because we are doing the apply
directly on the text
column. We could also use apply to access all the columns in our dataframe with the following change:
def stem_words(row):
stemmed_words = ''
for token in row.text.split(' '):
stemmed_words += porter.stem(token) + ' '
return stemmed_words
subset_humanist_vols['stemmed_text'] = subset_humanist_vols.apply(stem_words, axis=1)
In channging subset_humanist_vols.text.apply(stem_words)
to subset_humanist_vols.apply(stem_words, axis=1)
we are now performing apply on all the columns of the dataframe, row by row. The biggest thing to remember with apply
is that you need to pass in the name of the function you want to run into the apply
method. You can read more about the apply
Finally you might get an error when you run this code,
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
See the caveats in the documentation:
subset_humanist_vols['stemmed_text'] = subset_humanist_vols.text.apply(stem_words)
That’s a common Pandas error that has to do with how we’re adding new data to our dataframe. There’s a few different solutions listed here but for ease, I normally just surpress this warning with the following code:
import pandas as pd
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
Quick Assignment
How might we try and rework our stemming code to work with lemmatizing?
First we’ll need to import the right libraries.
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer'wordnet')'omw-1.4')
wordnet_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
Now try and create a function called lemmatize_words
that takes a row as an argument and returns a string of the lemmatized words.
So far we have been focused on counting and cleaning our textual data, but we could also try some more complex Information Retrieval techniques. One popular approach is an algorithm called Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequenc
or TF-IDF. TF-IDF was first proposed in a 1972 paper by Karen Spärck Jones under the name “term specificity.”
The reason TF-IDF is so popular is because it is intended to surface terms that are distinctive across as set of documents (or a corpus). Often times with word counting you get lots of high frequency words (remember Zipf’s law) but these words aren’t always helpful if you are trying to understand the concepts within the text. High frequency words are more useful for author attribution.
So the way TF-IDF works is the following operations as visualized in this diagram:
To break this down into code it really looks like the following:
term_frequency = number of times a given term appears in document
inverse_document_frequency = log(total number of documents / number of documents with term) + 1*****
tf-idf = term_frequency * inverse_document_frequency
So let’s try it out! We could write this with plain Python, but we can also install the scikit-learn
library with the following code pip3 install sklearn
. We can then use the code from the Programming Historian lesson linked above to get the following:
# Let's try TF-IDF. This code is from the PH Tutorial linked above
# Import the TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
#save our texts to a list
documents = subset_humanist_vols.text.tolist()
#Create a vectorizer
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=.7, min_df=1)
The documentation for the TfidfVectorizer is available here and we can see what all these parameters mean. In particular, take a look at max_df
and min_df
. These parameters control how much frequency a word needs to be in a document to be included in the vocabulary. In our case we want to include words that appear in more than 70% of the documents, but also exclude words that appear in fewer than one document.
Now we need to fit
our emails to the vectorizer. We can do this with the following code:
# Fit the vectorizer to our emails
transformed_documents = vectorizer.fit_transform(documents)
# Now get the top features for each document
transformed_documents_as_array = transformed_documents.toarray()
dates = humanist_vols.dates.tolist()
tfidf_results = []
for counter, doc in enumerate(transformed_documents_as_array):
# construct a dataframe
tf_idf_tuples = list(zip(vectorizer.get_feature_names(), doc))
one_doc_as_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(tf_idf_tuples, columns=['term', 'score']).sort_values(by='score', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
one_doc_as_df['dates'] = dates[counter]
Once that is done we can save our results to a new dataframe and explore the top unique terms
tfidf_df = pd.concat(tfidf_results)
tfidf_df = tfidf_df.sort_values(by=['score'], ascending=False)
You should see a lot of http
. To get a better sense of let’s try taking the 200 rows of this tfidf_df
but only keeping the unique terms. We can do that with the unique
method in Pandas.
Which should produce this list:
['http' 'utorepas' 'bitnet' 'www' '2007' '2006' '2004' 'gopher' '2005'
'2002' '2003' 'html' 'ninch' '2008' 'vax' 'uottawa' 'qs' 'prolog'
'hussein' 'acadvm1' 'kessler' 'doi' 'celia' 'cdt' 'na' '441495' 'cst'
'penndrls' 'amico' 'brownvm' 'neach' 'epas' 'xxx' '1007' 'fqs' 'tlg'
'kevitt' 'ocp' 'sanskrit' 'dfl' 'iraq' 'easi' 'pali' 'kleio' 'kurzweil'
'rahtz' 'cti' 'kentvm' 'bene' 'giampapa' 'hurd' 'htm' 'chiba' 'gas'
'nota' 'coombs' 'hypercard' 'cont' 'strangelove' 'ubiquity' 'cdn'
'google' 'vm' 'snobol' 'taunivm' '8080' 'ere' 'ibycus' 'lml' 'koontz'
'lowercase' 'nicolov' 'mst' 'artfl' 'guvax' 'stallman' 'crosby'
'germaine' 'ijcai' 'marchand' 'bst'
'pst' 'ucs' 'engst' 'aisb' 'israeli' 'mc' 'junger' 'masks' 'iraqi'
'arundel' '10646' 'nicolas' 'lachance' 'spaeth']
Some of these terms are pretty meaningless and we might want to clean them out, but some like prolog
or google
look promising. In class, let’s try and compare the tf-idf scores for these terms to the frequency of their counts.