Advanced Python: Part 2
So far we’ve learned how to store data in different data types (integers, strings, floats, etc…) and structures (lists and dictionaries). We’ve also learned how to use for loops to manipulate our data, conditionals to change the data flow, and functions to encapsulate our code and make it reusable and generalizable.
Now that we’ve started to learn the range of Python syntax, we can start putting it all together. One of the main ways we can do that is with Classes
Let’s take a look at code from the Advance Python Part 1.
def make_tool_dict(tool_name, value_2015):
return {
"2015":value_2015 ,
dh_tools= {
"tool": make_tool_dict("Python",9),
"creator": "Guido van Rossum"
This code snippet contains a function called make_tool_dict that returns a dictionary with the name and value from 2015 for a DH tool. We call this function inside of the dh_tools variable.
If we added a print statement in our script, this would be the output in the terminal:
'name': 'Python',
'2015': 9
'creator': 'Guido van Rossum'
Right now this code works well if we just have our existing spreadsheet about these tools, but what if we wanted to build upon this initial research to add more fields and information about the tools, and also maybe even reuse this code in multiple scripts? Then we might want to consider rewriting the code into a class.
While dictionaries are great for describing complex data within a single object, a class is really useful to encapsulate both data and functions in a single cohesive unit.
A class is a particular type of object. We can create (“instantiate”) an object of a class and store it as a variable. A variable therefore contains (technically, contains a reference to) an instance of a class.
Sounds complex but let’s break it down…
We’ve already used a lot of built-in classes. Strings, lists, dictionaries are all classes. We can have Python tell us what kind of class it is using the built-in function type()
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> type(a)
<class 'list'>
>>> b = "123"
>>> type(b)
<class 'str'>
Python classes are great for storing complex data structures, but they can also be simple.
Here’s how you define a simple class that does nothing.
# Define a class
class Blank:
pass # Pass means "Move along, please. Nothing to see here."
# Create an instance of the class and invoke it
To first define a class, we need to use the keyword class
followed by the name of the class (which can be anything!) and then a semi colon. All the logic of the class is indented (just like with functions, loops, and conditionals) and then we call the class similar to a function, using its name and parentheses to pass arguments to the class.
In this case, since the class has no actual logic in it, just the keyword pass
, nothing actually happens. For any class, when you invoke it, it executes the __init__
method, which is another built in method from Python (this one is called a constructor method). Thus, since our example above didn’t define any logic for the built-in __init__
method, nothing happened.
Simple Class
Let’s define a class that actually does something when it’s initialized.
class DHTool:
def __init__(self, name):
self.tool_name = name
a_tool = DHTool("Python")
So similar to our initial make_dh_tool
function, we are creating a way to store data about DH tools. However, in this example we’ve created a class that has an initial method (which is really just a function!) that takes the argument we pass and assigns it to something called self
Self references the class instance that is created when you call a class, which is why self
is the first argument to any function defined in a class. You can read more about class scope here.
Let’s try making a more complex version of our DH tool class.
class DHTool:
"""Contains methods for maintaining data related to a dh tool
def __init__(self, name):
self.tool_name = name
self.authors = list()
self.year_values = dict()
self.total_value = 0
def add_authors(self, authors):
"""Adds a list of authors of the DH Tool
Method argument:
authors(list) -- A list of people who built the dh tool
if isinstance(authors, list) is False:
authors = [authors]
def add_year_popularity(self, year, value):
"""Adds the popularity value for each year of the DH tool
Method argument:
year(integer or string) -- A year
value(integer) - Popularity value
self.year_values[str(year)] = value
def calculate_total_popularity(self):
"""Calculate the total popularity for a tool
self.total_popularity = sum(self.year_values.values())
a_tool = DHTool("Python")
a_tool.add_authors("Guido van Rossum")
a_tool.add_year_popularity(2015, 9)
print(a_tool.add_year_popularity.__doc__) # To view the docstring for the method
So what’s going in this code block?
First we’re taking our DHTool
class and expanding it so that it can contain more information about each tool. We still only initially create the class with one argument - the tool’s name. But we’ve also added additional attributes to the __init__
function. First, we have authors
, which holds a list; then year_values, which is a dictionary holding years as keys for the tool’s popularity value, and finally total_value, which is an integer that we store the total popularity of the tool.
Do you notice that the syntax here looks like a dictionary? That’s because we can use a similar pattern to dictionaries for creating our attributes.
To make it even more clear this is what the __init__
method would look like as a function that return a dictionary:
def make_dh_tool(name):
dh_tool = dict() #Could also write {}
dh_tool.tool_name = name
dh_tool.authors = alist()
dh_tool.year_values = dict()
dh_tool.total_value = 0
While this function is somewhat similar to our DHTool
class, we’ve also added a number of functions, which we call methods to the class.
The first method add_authors
takes two arguments, self
and authors
. Just like in the __init__
method, self
represents the class instance and authors is a list of authors. In the __init__
method, we define the authors attribute on self
as an empty list. Then in our add_authors
method we extend this initial empty list, adding the new authors to the list.
What would happen if we decided to add an additional author of Python from the list of core contributors?
a_tool.add_authors("Joannah Nanjekye")
We can check by printing out the authors attribute, and we’ll see that the list now contains both Guido and Joannah.
Our DHTool
class also has methods for add popularity values for each year, and also for calculating the total popularity for the tool.
What if we wanted to add a method for printing out an entire tool’s information? We could try looping through the class object and print out each attribute. Or we could use the built-in __dict__
functionality that prints out the values for a class.
def get_tool_info(self):
Quick Assignment
- Try adding the
to ourDHTool
class and then call it in your script. - Try adding a second tool with all the relevant information, and then calculate it’s total popularity and print out it’s full information.
Additional Reading
- An Introduction to Python Classes and Inheritance
- Here is a very helpful video series on class inheritance
- Python Documentation on Classes
Python Libraries
So you’re probably wondering when to use classes? Mostly we won’t be delving into code complicated enough to require to write your own classes, but you will be using lots of code that is based on this pattern. That’s because the class is the primary way that Python organizes its standard library and the wider ecosystem of external libraries.
Let’s dig into the Python documentation to understand more! Here’s the Python Standard Library. We’ve already been using this documentation, but let’s scroll down to the Pathlib module.
First take a look at the source code! Notice how it’s organized, and try and find the documentation for the class Path
(hint use control F)
Let’s take a look at the methods in the class Path How would we would print out the current working directory using pathlib?
Let’s try importing in Pathlib
into our script.
Imports are Important
We can easily bring classes into other code using the import
keyword, which does some magic to allow us to use classes defined in other files. This is how we can use parts of the Python Standard Library that aren’t directly built into the base language. It’s also how we use modules written by other programmers from the larger Python community.
We can also use import
to import our own classes. It gets complicated if we have to specify the path, so for now it’s easier to open the Python interpreter inside the same directory to import.
File Input and Output
To use pathlib, we needed to import the pathlib
module. Pathlib is useful not just for printing out working directories, it can also let us load in files.
Up to know you’ve had to hand enter data but in Python you can use various libraries to manipulate and read in data.
Let’s try it out with Pathlib by passing in our DH tools csv path to the Path
Because of how my site is organized the file path for tools_dh_proceedings.csv
is in my assets and then files folder. You’ll need to change the path to your version so that your computer knows what exact file you mean.
from pathlib import Path
file = Path('../assets/files/tools_dh_proceedings.csv')
print(file, type(file))
If you run this code you should see the exact file path of your spreadsheet and then the type of the object, either <class 'pathlib.PosixPath'>
or <class 'pathlib.WindowsPath'>
. Not to get too complicated but this is because the Path
class is a subclass of the PosixPath
class (not really going to get into subclassing but think of it as building classes on top of one another - like lego or jenga).
We can also look at the methods built-in to the Path
class. One in particular is useful for us read_text
which reads in the contents of a file and returns it as a string. Read more about it here and test it out in your script.
from pathlib import Path
file = Path('../assets/files/tools_dh_proceedings.csv')
print(file, type(file))
You should now see the entirety of our csv file in your terminal. If you try saving that to a variable and checking the type you should see that it’s a string.
So now we can simply manipulate that string so that we don’t have to hand enter the data.
Quick Assignment
Try seeing if you can use the read_text
method to read in the contents of the csv file and store it in a variable. And then use that data in your existing DH tools code.
So far we’ve been using Pathlib to work with files, but there are number of libraries and even some methods built into Python for reading in and writing files.
For example we could use the open
built-in function in Python.
To open a file for reading (input), we just do:
input_file = open("tools_dh_proceedings.csv","r")
text =
Here, we use the open
function to open a file in mode “r” (read). open
returns a File Object that provides methods for reading and writing. In this case, the read
method reads in data from the input_file
file object and stores it as a string in text
At the end, we can close the file to save some memory, but even if we don’t do it explicitly, Python will eventually catch on to the fact that it isn’t being used anymore and do it for us. This isn’t a huge concern unless you’re opening thousands of files or the files you’re opening are very, very large.
Often, you’ll see file handling used with the with
with open("tools_dh_proceedings.csv","r") as input_file:
This is functionally the same as our last example. The only difference is that the file is automatically closed at the end of the block. You can use whichever convention you like, but keep both in mind because they’re both pretty common in the wild.
File Output
File output is very similar. We just use mode w
, which overwrites the file specified. We can also use x
(which only works for new files) or a
(which appends data at the end of the file). Read the open
docs for all the details and also take a look at this table.
Character | Mode | Description |
r |
Read (default) | Open a file for read only |
w |
Write | Open a file for write only (overwrite) and will also create a new file if it doesn’t exist |
a |
Append | Open a file for write only (append) |
r+ |
Read+ | Write open a file for both reading and writing |
x |
Create | Create a new file |
To understand file output, let’s try working with a file that doesn’t exist. Try pasting this code in your script.
f = open("new_text.txt","w")
for i in range(0,100):
Once you run it, you should see a new file in your directory called new_text.txt
, which should be a text file, containing a list of numbers. We created those numbers using the built-in range
function and the write
Here, there’s something just a little tricky. i
and i**2
are integers, but the file object in this case expects a string. If we try to use f.write(i**2)
instead, we’ll get an error: TypeError: write() argument must be str, not int
To get around this, we can convert from int to string using the built-in str
class constructor str()
to create a new string that’s the string representation of the integer we pass in. So even though the integer 4 and the string “4” look the same, they’re different objects and different ways to represent data.
For the same reason that we can’t do f.write(4)
, we also can’t do "4"+4
(or, for that matter, 4+"4"
). We have to explicitly tell python whether we want it to treat each value as an integer or a string. "4"+str(4)
produces “44” while int("4")+4
returns 8.
The second new thing here is the newline character “\n”, which is technically called a LF or Line Feed. This inserts a line break between characters in a string.
Reading CSVs
While we can use the open
method or Pathlib for working with text files, but usually for CSVs (aka spreadsheets), we need a Python library with a little more functionality. One of the most common ones is the csv
module. Just like with Pathlib, we first to import csv
and then we can still use open
to open our spreadsheet.
But now we use the built-in methods of csv
library to manipulate our file.
import csv
with open("tools_dh_proceedings.csv","r") as input_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(input_file)
for row in csv_reader:
Try out this code and see what the difference is between the csv.reader
and read_text
methods we’ve tried out.
Quick Assignment: Putting it Together
Here’s part of what you did in the command line assignment earlier, but now in Python.
jane = 'The Project Gutenberg EBook of Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Pride and Prejudice Author: Jane Austen Posting Date: August 26, 2008 Release Date: June, 1998 Last Updated: March 10, 2018 Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK PRIDE AND PREJUDICE *** Produced by Anonymous Volunteers PRIDE AND PREJUDICE By Jane Austen Chapter 1 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.'
jane = jane.replace("man","person").replace("wife","partner")
Let’s say that we want to “modernize” every classic book on Project Gutenberg. The first step is to write a program to read a single book in, replace the words, and then write it back out to a file.
I’ve pushed the Gutenberg version of Pride and Prejudice to this directory here and the skeleton of the code needed to convert the text:
filename = "PrideandPrejudice.txt"
### input code to read file goes here
jane = jane.replace("man","person").replace("wife","partner")
### output code to print file changes goes here