Seminar and Workshop Framing

What are networks in DH and why are they so popular? What does it mean to do network analysis with humanities materials?

Contextual Materials

  • Part II Cultural Networks: Chapter 3 Culture Is Data and Chapter 4 Visual Networks in Ahnert, Ruth, Sebastian E. Ahnert, Catherine Nicole Coleman, and Scott B. Weingart. The Network Turn: Changing Perspectives in the Humanities. Elements in Publishing and Book Culture, December 2020.
  • Klein, Lauren F., and Sandeep Soni. “How Words Lead to Justice.” Public Books (blog), August 17, 2021.

Applied Materials

  • Skim Earhart, Amy E, Roopika Risam, and Matthew Bruno. “Citational Politics: Quantifying the Influence of Gender on Citation in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 36, no. 3 (September 1, 2021): 581–94.
  • Grandjean, Martin. “A Social Network Analysis of Twitter: Mapping the Digital Humanities Community.” Edited by Aaron Mauro. Cogent Arts & Humanities 3, no. 1 (December 31, 2016): 1171458.

Workshop Assignments (to be completed prior to class)

  • Complete one or both of the text analysis assignments(s) available here
