Detailed Guidelines

The second stage of your semester long project is worth 5%, and involves sharing and reflecting on your progress with your final project. You will explain how much you have completed from the initial write-up. Because we are a bit behind schedule, rather than presenting in-class you will be sharing you update asynchronously. Given that fact, I’ve tweaked the due dates to give you time to record your presentation and provide feedback to your peers.

⚡️ Project Update Presentation Feedback Form now available here

Updated Due Dates

  1. The due date for submitting a link to your presentation is now prior to class on April 12.
  2. The due date for completing peer feedback is now prior to class on April 19.

Recording Your Presentation

To do so, you will start a Zoom session and record yourself. When recording, select the cloud option rather than local recording.


Once completed you will go to your Zoom profile in the browser and find your recording under Cloud Recordings.

cloud recording.

According to these Zoom instructions, you should be able to share the link to your video to the rest of the class. If for some reason you cannot or can only record locally, you can also follow these instructions to work with the Illinois Mediaspace But I will also go over both of these in class beforehand.

Content of Your Presentation

The goal of this presentation is to share your current progress, receive asynchronous feedback from the instructor and your peers, and then assess whether you need to change directions or revise any goals for the remainder of the semester.

As a general time guideline, individual presenters should plan to present for 5-10 minutes and groups should plan to present for 15-20 minutes.

Your presentation should:

  • Introduce your project through summarizing your initial proposal (including your initial research questions, planned datasets, and methods)
  • Demo your initial data collection through exploratory data analysis and give us a brief data biography of your dataset
  • Outline what you plan to do next in the project and whether you need to change course from what you outlined in your initial proposal

Feedback On Peers’ Presentation

Once everyone has shared links to their videos, the instructor will provide a Google Form, where you will provide feedback on at least three of your peers’ videos. This feedback does not have to be long, but should be constructive and focused on helping the presenter clarify the goals of the presentation. You might share things you found confusing or unclear, or you might share suggestions for directions they have yet to consider.

Assignment Rubric

A/A+ Presentations and Feedback

  • Presenters clearly outline the project, including detailed timelines, significance of their research questions, and rationale for their proposed methods.
  • Presenters explain thoroughly what they have completed so far from their proposal and, with the exception of extenuating circumstances, the presenters also demo their initial exploratory data analysis. Presenters provide a thorough data biography of their datasets, as well as some interpretation of their initial results.
  • Presenters present any obstacles they’ve encountered and how they plan to overcome them. Presenters detail next steps and how they plan to complete the remainder of their proposal.
  • Presenters provide thoughtful feedback to three of the peers’ videos in a timely fashion.
  • A+ presentations should be ones that go beyond the criteria listed here in some manner.


  • Presenters outline their project, but lack details on their timeline, research questions, or methods. While presenters can ask questions about next steps, based on their presentation there are signs that they have yet to work through some core aspects of their project.
  • Presenters explain what they have completed so far from their proposal, but have limited data to demo. Presenters provide some details about their datasets, but a number of questions remain
  • Presenters present any obstacles they’ve encountered but are unclear how to overcome them. Presenters detail next steps but questions remain on how they plan to complete the remainder of their proposal.
  • Presenters provide some feedback to three of the peers’ videos in a timely fashion.


  • Presenters outline their project, but lack significant details on their timeline, research questions, or methods. In particular, questions remain over the focus of their questions and what they are trying to achieve with the project.
  • Presenters explain what they have completed so far from their proposal, but have no data to demo and have yet to fully compile a dataset.
  • Presenters are unclear on how they plan to complete the remainder of their proposal.
  • Presenters provide minimal feedback on peer videos.

C+ or below

  • Presenters outline the basics of their project, but lack meaningful details.
  • Presenters have yet to make much progress on their proposal
  • Presenters lack any direction on completing their project.
  • Presenters either fail to provide feedback on peer videos or provide minimal feedback.
