Coding Projects

Smaller code projects, 2016 - Present

These are a selection of programming projects I built while at the Nashville Software School. If you want to see more of my code, check out my Github Profile

Harry Potter Game

Game built using prototypal inheritance in Javascript and JQuery with Grunt and Browersify. Convinced my teammates to make it Harry Potter theme after I got a hedgehog as my patronus on Pottermore. Users get sorted into Hogwart Houses and can select a patronus.

They then can battle Voldemort and the Death Eaters, using spells and getting help from magical friends.

You can play the game here or check out the github repo here

Freddy VS JSON

A movie rating and saving app built in Javascript and JQuery with Materialize. You can search for movies using the OMDB API, and save them and rate them.

You can create an account and try it out here, or view the github repo here.

NSS Cohort 16 Website

Built the majority of my cohort’s website in Javascript, JQuery, Materialize, and Grunt. Came up with the theme of having a professional version and then switching to Sweet 16 Party mode on a button click.

You can try it out here or view the github repo here