Workshop Feedback and Logistics
Now that the deadline for the DH workshops is approaching, I want to clarify both how you should share your materials and how you should give feedback to your peers.
Sharing Logistics
You are welcome to record and organize your workshop materials any way you choose. I would highly recommend using Zoom for recording and either Google Drive or GitHub for sharing your materials. If you use Zoom, you can record your workshop and then upload the video to Google Drive or use the Illinois Media Space. If you want to upload to Media Space, you can find instructions here
In terms of what materials to include, you might include a summary of your initial proposal (especially projected audience), your presentation slides, any handouts or worksheets you created, and a link to your video recording. You are welcome to include any other materials you think would be helpful for your peers to understand your workshop.
Illinois DH Media Space (Optional)
Our DH Librarian, Mary Ton, has kindly offered to host any of your DH workshops on our official DH Media Space channel, which you can see here
This is an optional way to share your workshop, but if you would like to share your workshop on this channel, you will need to caption clean your video and give Mary co-publishing privileges. If you are interested in this option, please let me know and I can put you in touch with Mary to discuss the logistics.
Submitting Your Workshop
To submit your workshop, please complete the following form, DH Workshop Submissison Form. You will need to use your Illinois email address to complete the form. In the form you can share a link to your workshop materials. I’ve also included a link to a series of folders in our Google Drive folder, under the DH Workshops
folder. Each of the folders are named under the topic/group of your workshop, and you are welcome to upload your materials there though it is completely optional. You can find the link to spreadsheet with all the information about submissions in the DH Workshops
folder as well, or through our Canvas site.
Feedback Logistics
As outlined in our assessments, you will be expected to watch at least one of your peers’ workshops and provide feedback.
I will be providing a form for returning feedback next week, but I wanted to share that you will be providing feedback on the following areas:
- How well were you able to complete the workshop? Were there areas that were either very helpful or that could potentially need improvement?
- How well did the workshop meet its stated goals? If you were the intended audience, would you have found this workshop helpful?
- Do you have any suggestions for improving the workshop? This could be anything from the structure, to the materials, to the presentation style.
Workshop Groups
To help make the feedback process as streamlined as possible, I’ve generated a small dataset based on the topics of everyone’s workshops and then used some network analysis to group everyone.
You can find the dataset here:
Using our network analysis techniques, I generated the following network with the communities colored:
Which produces the following groups:
Mapping and Geospatial Data:
- Austin
- Ocean
Data Visualization and Socio-Political Data:
- Inyoung
- Sanchita
- Ruby
Metadata and Data Curation:
- Isabelle
- Richard
- Abigail
- Amoura
Meta-Theories and Policies/Pedagogy:
- Katherine F.
- Amina
- Katherine W.
Text Analysis and Literature/Poetry:
- Elizabeth
- Phil
- Yoonsuh
- Rebecca
As you’ll notice most of the groups are larger than two people, so next week we will have time for each group to discuss together how they want to both share their materials and assign peer feedback. I will also be available to help facilitate this process.
You are also welcome to watch workshops and provide feedback to anyone in the class, but I would encourage you to prioritize your assigned group.