misc Articles

Data Curation and Collection

In this section, I would describe how I collected and curated the data for this project. This could include everything from how I web scraped the listserv archives to how I cleaned and transformed the data. In particular, I would try to detail how I'm meeting this requirement of the …

Data Analysis and Visualization

Data Analysis & Methods In this section, I would detail how I analyzed the data for this project and share some of the aggregate data visualizations of the data. In particular, I would try to visualize how the NER extracted technologies have changed over time and how they relate to the …

Conclusion & Reflection

Conclusion & Reflection In this section, I would detail any big picture takeaways about what I learned from this project and how it has helped me to understand working with cultural data and computing in the humanities, and then specifically what this project has found over how the development of technology …