In-Class Agenda

  • Finish our discussion of digital libraries and archives, as well as the assigned readings from Tuesday.
  • Work through questions from the Introduction to Git and GitHub tutorial.

Assigned Materials

  • Skim (as in read briefly) Ford, Paul. “What Is Code? If You Don’t Know, You Need to Read This.” Business Week, June 11, 2015. Sections 1-2.
  • Read through the Introduction to Git and GitHub and try to complete as much of it as possible. We will be working through this in class, but you should try to get as far as you can on your own. Any section marked optional is just that, optional, so you can complete or skip it. Please reach out to the Instructor if you have any questions or get stuck.

Additional Materials


  • Complete the remaining Command Line Maze Homework Exercises. So if you haven’t done Assignment 1 make sure you complete that. Please bring Assignment 2 with you to class. If you get stuck, reach out to the Instructors on Slack.
